The three winning projects will enrich the research required to meet the challenges of the OneWater - Eau Bien Commun programme:
- ALIQUOT : Environmental nucleic acids, sentinel molecules for continental hydrosystems
ALIQUOT is closely aligned with three OneWater challenges: Challenge 2 Water Footprint, Challenge 3 Water Sentinel and Challenge 4 Adaptability and Resilience Solutions.
- DEESAC : Groundwater sustainability in the exploitation of confined aquifers
This project is related to OneWater Challenge 3 – Water as a sentinel for environmental and human health along the land-water-land-sea continuum
- K3 : Impact of global changes on the water resource in karstic socio-hydrosystems: Vulnerability, Sensitivity, Management
K3 falls within the scope of five of the six OneWater Challenges: Challenge 1 – Anticipation, Challenge 2 – Water Footprint, Challenge 4 – Adaptability and Resilience Solutions, Challenge 5 – Socio-ecological Transitions, and Challenge 6 – Sharing Water-related Data.
Congratulations to the winning projects, establishments, teams and colleagues!