The first OneWater Challenges/Inter-Challenges call for projects was launched in May 2022 and the results are now in!
15 June 2023

The three winning projects will enrich the research required to meet the challenges of the OneWater - Eau Bien Commun programme:

  • ALIQUOT : Environmental nucleic acids, sentinel molecules for continental hydrosystems

ALIQUOT is closely aligned with three OneWater challenges: Challenge 2 Water Footprint, Challenge 3 Water Sentinel and Challenge 4 Adaptability and Resilience Solutions.

  • DEESAC : Groundwater sustainability in the exploitation of confined aquifers

This project is related to OneWater Challenge 3 – Water as a sentinel for environmental and human health along the land-water-land-sea continuum

  • K3 : Impact of global changes on the water resource in karstic socio-hydrosystems: Vulnerability, Sensitivity, Management

K3 falls within the scope of five of the six OneWater Challenges: Challenge 1 – Anticipation, Challenge 2 – Water Footprint, Challenge 4 – Adaptability and Resilience Solutions, Challenge 5 – Socio-ecological Transitions, and Challenge 6 – Sharing Water-related Data.

Congratulations to the winning projects, establishments, teams and colleagues!