The first School organised by the OneWater - Eau Bien Commun national research programme aims to contribute to the various scientific challenges posed by OneWater using an original multi-stakeholder approach. OneWater - Eau Bien Commun aims not only to produce new knowledge to re-establish water as a common good, but also to respond to the water challenges facing France and support stakeholders in their decision-making.
The theme of this first OneWater school will be "The challenges of water for living organisms (humans, fauna, flora)". It will seek to understand the water-related issues facing the French and all local stakeholders responsible for water management, in the context of climate change, pressure on resources and the need to preserve and restore ecosystems to a good state.
The aim is to develop a collective intelligence approach to meeting these challenges, drawing on the diversity of skills and profiles, both disciplinary and sectoral: researchers, decision-makers, managers, experts in water-related issues, etc. The discussions will be based on case studies to help understand the unique nature of the issues associated with specific territories.
To take part in the school, participants must make a commitment for the whole week.
Registration is open until 4 September 2024.